Getting Started with SteelSeries/GoLisp


First, you’ll need to download and install the Go language for your system. Visit the Go project’s Getting started page and follow the instruction for your platform. At this time we suggest Go 1.4.2.

Once you’re finished, typing the command go version should result in something like (platform details may be different for you) go version go1.4.2 darwin/amd64.


Skip this if you already have Git installed.

If you don’t you’ll need it to get the GoLisp code. Point your browser at the Git downloads page, download the version for your system and install it.


Now that you have Git and Go installed and running, you need to clone the SteelSeries/GoLisp GitHub repo. Go to an appropriate place in your system and give the command

git clone

Once the clone has completed cd into the new golisp directory.

You can also visit the repo here.

You now need to set the environment variable GOPATH to the current directory On OSX or Linux you would use the command:

export GOPATH=`pwd`

If you are on Windows, use:


Now that Go knows where you are, you can install the other packages that SteelSeries/GoLisp depends on:

go get
go get
go get

Off and running

Now, execute the following commands (switching to backslashes if you are on Windows):

cd src/
go run main/golisp.go

You should see the following

Welcome to GoLisp 1.0
Copyright 2015 SteelSeries
Evaluate '(quit)' to exit.


You are now at the GoLisp REPL prompt and you can type lisp expressions (on a single line, spanning multiple lines isn’t supported yet) and GoLisp will evaluate them and print the result:

> (map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
==> (5 7 9)

Next steps

To get familiar with SteelSeries/GoLisp have a look at the documents and posts listed here. The language reference can be found here.